Explore life, faith & meaning. Alpha is an opportunity for anyone to discover more about the Christian faith in a relaxed setting while sharing a meal together.

This awesome 8-week course begins soon, and you can RSVP your spot by emailing

Starting Tuesday 9th May, 6pm

Venue: Engage Church, 69 Bill Hercock St Napier

Dinner provided

Have you ever asked yourself “is there more to life than this”? Do you feel like something is missing? Do you feel unsatisfied with life? Sometimes it doesn’t turn out the way we think it should! 

The Alpha course is an opportunity to explore the meaning life.  Whether you’ve never heard of Jesus or been to church, are new to faith or a seasoned Christian, this course will give you an opportunity to learn about God, renew your faith and make great friends along the way.  Alpha is a place where you can be yourself, ask anything and challenge everything! It’s a journey and an adventure to explore the questions of life, faith and meaning!

To sign up or for more info please email Or Sign-up HERE

Please see below for training video: