We believe that life is better when we do it together. Our prayer is that as our church gets bigger, we also must get smaller. Engage Groups are a crucial way of keeping the body of Christ connected, encouraged and growing in their faith. We encourage everyone to be involved in a small group and we have a wide range of groups to fit all ages, life stages, genders and shared interests

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The Freedom In Christ Course is a 10 session discipleship course, perfect for small groups.

TRUTH - Flexible teaching sessions revealing the truth of who we are in Christ and the reality of the spiritual battle, with Pause for Thought times.

TURNING - The Steps To Freedom In Christ forms the ministry component of the course, helping us turn to Jesus through a "spiritual MOT".

TRANSFORMATION - The final key is "Stronghold-busting" - being transformed by the renewal of our minds, demolishing arguments set up against God.

Please find out more here: